Friday, March 25, 2016

My Room. My Rules.

No Specific Roommate Request 
"I hate my roommate!!! She is the worse!!" My friend back at home told me on the phone. "How is your roommate?" She asks. "My roommate is awesome! I love him like a brother!"

Going in to Penn State, I didn't know anyone. Because of this, when it was time to request a specific roommate, I had to go in random. This was so scary for me because it could either work two ways for me: I could either hate the way how the person lives or we could work amazing well. For me, I am a handful.

My Roommate
I listen to loud music, stay up late at night, party every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, sometimes I get junky, always have company, and the list continues. Because of this, I know it could work or could fail depending on the characteristics my roommate has.

But it was absolutely a match made in heaven. I am able to do everything I want without no restrictions nor do I have to worry about infuriating my roommate since we get along so well. We literally breakfast, lunch, and diner together, we party together, and watch Netflix together.

So when I here people tell me that they are having roommate problems, it makes me so grateful that I have a roommate that's exactly analogous to me. But it makes you wonder: what happens if I had a roommate that's completely antithesis of me? Would I hate Penn State because of me having horrible experiences with my roommate since I wouldn't be able to express myself? Would I have different friends that I have now and wouldn't nearly meet the people that I became so close with today? Would I have to call my mom everyday trying to find solutions to fix our problems if we did has some?

It puts everything in such a different perspective. It really is amazing how everything happens for a reason. Especially since your morale affects the way how you view things. So, if you are having a bad day, then you are more likely to view things more negatively than usual. Therefore, a person can absolutely hate Penn State if they are having mini problems like roommate problems.

Imaging the inverse. Instead of you hating the way how your roommate lives, imagine if your roommate hates you! Imagine your roommate telling you constantly to turn down your music or you can't have company at certain times of the day or you got to go to sleep earlier since they got morning class. It can be completely horrible not only for you, but your roommate as well.
People on my floor and my RA

Or even better, you have the perfect roommate but the people on your floor are completely annoying. Imagine having neighbors that tells you to keep your music down or say that you are too loud. They are people that literally goes through these problems but not for me. I have the perfect floor, perfect room, perfect RA and perfect building, which is Sproul Hall. Everyone is so considerate and understanding of ones personal life and is always there for one another whenever there is a problem. I'm so happy how everything turned out. I hope you guys don't have problems either!

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